We are lead to believe that the festive season is all about family gatherings. Happy family gatherings, to be exact !
The kind of Christmas get together we only see on TV.
4 generations of happy smiling people, milling around a dining table buckling under the weight of food and booze.
The cutest puppy is happily snoozing in front of the open fire, rather than chewing their most expensive pair of shoes.
The whole scene is perfectly off set by the magical tree in the background.
Well, most of us do not live in a Hollywood Rom Com !
I, for one, as an immigrant, and a divorcee, do not have family in the UK, where I live, to spend Christmas with.
I can honestly say that I have had my fair share of solo Christmases over the years.
However, it has always been a time I cherish. A time I consider ideal for self nurturing.
If, for whatever reason, you are also spending Christmas alone then don't let society (and TV adverts) dictate how you should feel or how you should spend the day.
As the rest of the world is swirling around, getting crammed onto trains, running to catch planes or getting stuck in traffic jams trying to get “home for Christmas”, you can play your own game, following your own rules.
Whether you celebrate the birth of Jesus, or not, these couple of days are all about celebrating YOU !
Here is my secret recipe for a fulfilling solo Xmas:
*Plan a “me day”.
Knowing about your forthcoming solo time, you can prepare accordingly and embrace the freedom of flying in the face of tradition.
Treat yourself to a delicious meal. Maybe delivered from your favourite restaurant or deli ?
It’s your special day and you may not want to spend too much time in the kitchen.
Spend the day curled up on the sofa, binge watching something uplifting or, if you are a dog parent, plan a long afternoon walk. The furkids will thank you for it.
Buy yourself a gift. It doesn’t need to be expensive but it needs to be something you really want.
It doesn’t matter when it was purchased, ensure that it is prettily wrapped and resist temptation to open it before D day.
As you open your gift, feel gratitude that you could afford to treat yourself to something you really appreciate. There won't be any need to regift this year !
Revel in the knowledge that you do not have to make small talk with any long lost aunty. You do not have to spend hours around the table eating food you would rather not eat. You can watch whatever you want and you can spend the day in your pyjamas if you so wish !
This is a level of freedom money cannot buy.
If you really crave the company of others, then here are some options:
*Volunteer for a charity - Many charities, looking after humans or shelter animals, would really appreciate help at this time of year.
It's a nice way to meet people and feel that you are doing something worthwhile.
*Mention your forthcoming solo Christmas to your friends and colleagues.
One of them may invite you to join them.
*Or even better, be the one sending out the invitations.
Take charge of the situation and see which one of your friends, colleagues, neighbours is also likely to be on their lonesome and would appreciate an invite.
You do not have to cook - Ask everyone to bring a dish or get a delivery and split the bill.
A word of warning. Do not let the fear of loneliness make you reconnect with toxic people or get yourself into an uncomfortable situation.
*Create unforgettable memories - book yourself onto a Christmas retreat !
You can choose to spend the festive season somewhere new, among a group of like minded people.
Holidays don’t have to be in the summer.
Organise your time off so that you have a few days available to be able to go away at the end of the year.
The reason why I mention a retreat is because it would be tailored for solo travellers also looking to meet people and make meaningful connections.
Simply booking a holiday somewhere and finding yourself, alone, among families celebrating Xmas, may be very uncomfortable if you are trying to escape loneliness.
Whatever you decide to do, have a wonderful time and cherish yourself !
Ps: If you would be interested in joining a Christmas retreat, then please do get in touch to let me know. You can help me curate the perfect festive escape.